Create Splash Screen In Android
What Is A Splash Screen? Splash screen is the initial screen when user opens the app. It basically contains branding items like logo, slogan and company name etc. It also known as the boot screen….
What Is A Splash Screen? Splash screen is the initial screen when user opens the app. It basically contains branding items like logo, slogan and company name etc. It also known as the boot screen….
Custom Spinner means a spinner with different look and feel other than it’s default look. It is a part of adding our own branding to an Android Application. Spinner is a common UI element in…
Here i explain to you how to create a simple listview which uses built-in Arrayadapter. 1. Add listview container to layout 2. Create an listview adapter with items 3. Set adapter to listview 4. Catch…
In some cases we want to give our own branding to ActionBar For example, if you want to change the color. Unfortunately native action bar does not allow us a deep modification and ToolBar is…
Here i am going to split entire process of Hello Android application creation into 5 steps. Which are as follows, Step 1: Create a new project Step 2: Create an activity Step 3: Create a…
In Android we can create gradient effect in two ways. First one is by creating a drawable xml file and second method is by program. Here in this article i will explain the second method….
Get Screen Dimensions Programmatically In Android In Pixels The following source code shows how to get dimensions or screen sizes of the Android device your application is running on: Create an activity class called and write the…
This tutorial will explain you about creating rectangle shape drawable as resource. It is extremely easy and consumes less APK size when you compare it with image drawables (JPG, PNG etc) that is being bundled…
Android allows us to create shapes using shape drawable. The basic shapes supported in shape drawables are Line, Oval, Rectangle and Ring. This tutorial focuses on how to create circle shape. The drawable created using…